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Bill Gates to rob the top 1% of their wealth

Bill Gates is one of the worlds brightest people still alive. He also happens to be the worlds richest, while still remaining humble and giving. But his latest breakthrough is something unexpected. He spent over $2.5 billion dollars and countless man hours building it, and if it works as expected, Bill Gates would be first person in history to single handedly reshape our economy with his latest project – Gates Way.

Before we go into details of what Gates Way is and how this new works, let’s get some facts straight. The top 1% currently is hoarding 241$ trillion dollars, which is enough to give every single person on earth a cool 6 figure check of $103,200. And since most of this wealth is being traded by Wall Street daily, theoretically it can all be take back by outsmarting the Wall Street traders. And Bill Gates did just that - he built a computer code that outsmarts any human trader on earth.
It’s an algorithm, designed to take from the top 1% wealthy people and redistribute the money back to regular people. This algorithm literally beats the stock market with an accuracy of 75%, which means you will be winning 3 trades out of 4. You might wonder, what will keep the Wall Street from using this software and making us even poorer? The answer is simple - this software is hard coded to only work with Binary Options trading platforms, which means the trades are limited to 250$ per trade. Wall Street is trading trillions, so 250$ just isn’t going to cut it for them. However, for regular people this is huge! At the moment software isn’t released yet but as Bill Gates team demonstrated to us - it already works and generates around $2,000 - $4,000 profits a day per trading account!
If the software goes live, regular people will slowly drain the pile of cash that is hoarded by top 1%. Sure the transition will be slow but actually it’s better this way, because if wealth was redistributed in short period of time, economy would crash worldwide. So in this case, slower is better.
We interviewed Michael Yount, project manager of Gates Way.
Does this software really work? “Yes. It has the potential to predict winning trades with 90% accuracy, but we actually made it slightly dumber to keep it at around 75%. This will help with server stability issues since it requires way less computing power.” When will it go live? “Software is fully functioning already and we will welcome our first members very, very soon. Right now we are adding finishing touches and triple checking our code encryption.”
Triple checking code encryption? “Yes. The actual algorithms must be hidden so no one can actually see how the software works. We are taking encryption very seriously, because if the source code is leaked or decrypted, someone could backwards engineer it and plug it into a trading platform with unlimited trade size, allowing the person to rob the whole world.”
What if everyone in the world started using this software? There isn’t enough money in the world to give 7 billion people $2,000 - $4,000 per day. “This is a very good question and we have the answer! Our software is only 75% effective against Wall Street (or other human traders), but if everyone is using it, software needs to compete against itself and it cant beat itself. In this case its efficiency evens out to just 50%. So no one will be winning on the large scale. Basically efficiency of our software drops by 1% for every 200 million people who are using it.”
So the first ones to jump on this will make more money? “We wouldn’t say that, no. Sure, the winning rate will be higher for first people to start using it, but on the larger scale and with time it will even-out the wealth fairly well.”
What is your vision? What do you wish to accomplish with this? “We believe that in 5 years majority of the worlds population will start using software, and in 10 years the wealth gap will be completely blurred. This will end the poverty, hunger, and even wars. “
Is the software free? “Yes. The software is free and this is our gift to the world. However, you do need to fund the trading account to get started. The minimum investment we recommend is 250$. After countless tests, we determined that 250$ is the minimum amount of money that is guaranteed to reach $2,000 - $4,000 profits per day fast.”
After the interview, Bill Gates team demonstrated the software in action. We were shocked. After small investment of $250, it actually won 84 trades out of 100, resulting in profits of $2,583.91. We can’t wait for the software to go live. Bill Gates and his team has promised that CNN will be the first to know, so keep your eyes open.
Update: The incredible has happened and sooner than we ever expected! Bill Gates and his team have revealed the software and it is called “Gates Way”. They are accepting members already and if you hurry up you might get in. 

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