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He patted a man’s butt in Dubai and faced months in prison, until a royal pardon freed him-video

Harron, a British national in a 2 days hangover in Dubai, had had so much to drink and while in the
bar, he lost his balance. So he gripped another man's shoulder and gained his balance. Then he tapped the man on his behind apologetically, or so he claims. 
But it was not over. Police were called. Harron was arrested and was well on his way to being featured in the latest anecdote about just how different things are in Dubai.
Harron, an electrician from Stirling, Scotland, was traveling to Afghanistan for a new job. But what was supposed to be a relaxing two-day layover in Dubai, on the western edge of the Persian Gulf — he'd snapped photos of himself swimming in the Gulf and standing in front of a skyscraper — morphed into a months-long legal battle as Harron was tried, then convicted of sexual assault. He was also accused of raising his middle finger to his accuser as police were en route to the bar.
Harron's ordeal ended Monday, when the ruler of Dubai, Sheikh Mohammed bin Rashid Maktum, nullified Harron's conviction and the three-month jail sentence, the Associated Press reported. Harron was called to the police station (a summons he briefly feared was a trap) and handed his passport, free to leave the emirate whenever he wanted.
While navigating the legal maze, he'd lost his job and accumulated more than $40,000 in legal and other expenses.
“I've lost my job, I'm in debt now, I may be going to prison and all this for a two-day stopover,” he told the Independent newspaper. “The whole thing is like a horrible dream and I just don’t know when it is going to end. I thought it would be over by now but it feels like it will never be.
Harron is detained in Dubai, and an aid group that has been working with him applauded the ruler's move but said the incident illustrates systemic problems in the United Arab Emirates.Among the cautionary tales is that of an unmarried British couple found guilty in 2008 of having sex on a beach in Dubai after leaving an all-you-can-drink champagne brunch at a luxury hotel. In another case, a British couple was ordered jailed for a month in 2010 after an Emirati woman complained that they had kissed each other on the mouth in a Dubai restaurant. A couple was once arrested for sending each other “sexy texts.

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