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Large number of timber being harvested from Mamfe and transported to Douala

On a daily basis, a good number of trailers fully loaded with timber reach Douala through Kumba,
harvested  from Mamfe. During this transportation, the trailers are usually heavily guarded by armed forces both in front of the first trailer and behind the first trailer. This is probably to avoid any violent reactions from the local inhabitants along the high way who obviously are not happy because of this exploitation, coupled with the on going struggle for cessation in this English speaking part of Cameroon. These inhabitants in these locality resent the government for their continues exploitation of their resources, meanwhile very little or no development is done in these area. The armed forces usually guard the timber-loaded trailers all the way from Mamfe through Kumba and Buea, and after Mutengene, the trailers continue to Douala without the armed forces. 

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