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Eight Cameroonian officials have been sanctioned for falsifying text books

Some eight officials from the COSMAS Educational Press Limited have been sanctioned for
falsifying homologous school text books in Cameroon.
According to a report from Cameroon’s state media, the sanction was announced by the country’s Minister of Secondary Education Jean Ernest Ngalle Bibehe. In his statement, Minister Bibehe indicated that the network has not only disrespected the National School Manuel homologation Commission but has also paid allegiance to the separatist movement, Ambazonia thereby misleading the education community.
The eight pedagogic inspectors involved in the modification are said to have been stripped of their functions and the text book withdrawn from the school curricula.  All other books published by COSMAS Educational publishing Press Limited on the national education curricula, have equally been recalled. Meanwhile, a Prime Ministerial text of November 24th prescribes only one text book for each subject to be used during a period of six years.

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