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Malnutrition is still a major problem in the Far North region of Cameroon

Health experts took turns in making the remark in Maroua recently, during a guided tour around
UNICEF-supported health facilities and nutrition centres in Maroua, in the bid to evaluate the organisation’s actions and advocacy campaign against malnutrition in Cameroon.
During the Maroua tour, the protracting situation, incarnated by soaring numbers of malnourished kids, made the experts to hem the region in a malnutrition red-list.
According to official statistics, out of a total of 37,114 children with severe acute malnutrition who were admitted to 517 UNICEF-supported health facilities in the three Northern regions between June 2016 and April 2017, a vast majority of 27,507 of these children were admitted in the Far North region alone.
The Far North Region has been in the red-list for a long time.  We have evidence from our latest surveys which indicate stunting and acute malnutrition,” says a Danbe Flaubert, a Regional Focal Point for Nutrition in Maroua.
Among the root causes of malnutrition in the region, Flaubert, suggest that ignorance and poverty stands tall. “Women are ignorant of what they should eat to keep themselves and their babies healthy”.  He added that majority of women were still very ignorant about breast feeding as the best form of child nutrition

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